… it is as simple as choosing one of Roman´s renowned recipes and all the needed ingredients are added to the cart. This service will significantly help the customers,“ said Tomáš Čupr, the founder of Rohlik.cz, the company which is going to put a great emphasis on the freshness of offered products this year.
You enter the shop and the shop assistent asks you, what you would like to cook today. “Perhaps cream and vegetable sauce,“ you answer. “Then go over there to the shelf and you´ll find everything you need in one packiging.“ Does it sound like sci-fi? No! This is exactly how the new service in Rohlik´s e-shop works. All the needed ingredients will pop up and be added to your cart.When it arrives at your door, you can cook the intended meal according to Roman´s recipe placed on the website. “ We have prepared the easiest and the most natural way of buying groceries, which is unique in the Czech Republic. It is a completely new thing! You don´t have to search the supermarket shelves as you normaly do,“ explains Michal Pořízek, the chief of product development.
Rohlik Chef will simplify not only the purchase proces. It will inspire buyers before the purchase. All the recipes should result in preparing meals of great quality. “Roman Vaněk is known for clearly explained recipes which ensure great results. Therefore we decided to join forces with him,“ announced Tomáš Čupr.
Roman Vaněk also participated on selecting ingredients for Rohlik Chef. The goal was to ensure the best possible result. Rohlik.cz is known for its ongoing effort to ensure high quality and freshness of its products. “Without that, our recipes would make no sense. Rohlik.cz offers a unique range of ingredients needed for making a hearty meal,“ added Roman Vaněk.
Iva Burianová, překlad Lenka Bicanová